
Trusted by 130,000+ people for their vitamin and mineral needs


Trusted by 130,000+ people for their vitamin and mineral needs


Trusted by 130,000+ people for their vitamin and mineral needs


Trustpilot score: 4.1 out of 5

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Award yourself with more energy and support your resistance with Vitamin B12. Available as a convenient lozenge in a delicious raspberry flavour. 60 units for 90 days


189,00 kr. per 90 days
  • Supports your immune system and energy level 
  • Excellent for your concentration and mood 
  • Recommended for vegetarians and vegans 
Vitamin B12_0
Vitamin B12_1
Vitamin A

255,00 kr.

Vitamin D

129,00 kr.

Feel Easily Energized

How to use and store Vitamin B12

Improve feelings of health and alertness with just 1 Vitamin B12 sublingual table a day*. Work on your healthy lifestyle, day after day. 

  • Support your body with 1 sublingual tablet a day* 
  • Intake with food or after a meal 
  • Dissolve the tablet under your tongue 
Vitamin B12 product from FitForMe
Vitamin B12 product from FitForMe
Entdecken Sie, wie Vitamin B12 Ihnen hilft

So funktioniert Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 unterstützt Ihr Immunsystem und Ihr Energieniveau. Es ist auch gut für Ihre Konzentration und Ihr Erinnerungsvermögen. Dieses lebenswichtige Vitamin hilft Ihnen, gesund und fit zu bleiben, besonders wenn Sie sich vegan oder vegetarisch ernähren.

Wir möchten es Ihnen leicht machen. Deshalb ist unser Vitamin B12 eine Schmelztablette im köstlichen Himbeergeschmack. Bestellen Sie Vitamin B12 separat oder mit Ihrem Abonnement, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen um Ihren gesunden Lebensstil machen müssen!

Frequently asked questions


*Do you use medication? Read the leaflet included with your medication carefully or consult your doctor before ordering Vitamin B12. Do not take more than the recommended dose. Supplements are meant as an addition to your diet. Furthermore, be sure to choose healthy and varied food and exercise regularly. If you are 12 years or older, you can take vitamin B12. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding can also take Vitamin B12. 

More information
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